суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

fast pitch bat

So two days ago, my boss, Joe, and his assistant, cody and the other guy who does something important but I canapos;t remember what it is, came to have a meeting with me at the gym. It was to officially beg me to take the job offer me the position of manager...of the entire gym. I told them I didnapos;t want to deal with the crap that comes from being top of the heap, I didnapos;t want to spend more time away from my kids than I already do and I didnapos;t want to sit in a freakin office all day watching everyone else do what I wanted to be doing. They told me Iapos;d have two assistants, Iapos;d only be expected to work my 40hrs unless something crazy tragic happened, and I would not have to be stuck in the office at all unless I wanted to be. They told me I have too awesome of a personality to stick in an office and theyapos;d be crazy to do it. Basically they blew sunshine up my ass and told me how amazingly awesome I am and if theyapos;d interviewed me before Lindsey then theyapos;d have wanted me as manager right away, and that I blow everyone else away at presales from all three gyms.
I was still unsure, then they told me I can still teach my classes, become Les Mills certified which is a big deal to me, and still be a personal trainer. :D Then my boss said "You can do whatever the hell you want to do. Itapos;s your gym."

He told me to sleep on it and I did. I called Lindsey first because who could tell me what the job is like more than she could? She told me when she left, she sent Joe an email telling him I would be perfect for the job. She told me to take it. I still wanted to know why she left but I havenapos;t delved into it too deeply in case itapos;s personal.

Joe texted me the next day to ask if Iapos;d made a decision and it was in that moment that I decided to just take it. So I did
I fucking took the job, you guys. You guys, I took the fuckin JOB.

I asked "What IF I decide in a few months that I hate my job?" and they said I would always have a job as a personal trainer, no matter what...cuz Iapos;m awesome and they love me which really, how could they NOT?

They told me my paper work is flawless and that makes them happy. The paper work is super simple and I think MAYBE the shitty job I had last year at the marina helped me with that part of this job, because I was so scared to not follow one of the stupid systems they had in place that made you do the same thing over and over AND OVER that NOW I pay attention to detail.

ANYway, so yeah. YEAH.

emule emuleplus, fast pitch bat, fast pitch baseball, fast pitch, fast pit bikes.

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